Contraceptive Advice & Services
Contraceptive choices can be confusing and we recognise that everyone is an individual.
We focus on your particular needs in relation to family planning and sexual health. Whether you need family planning or contraceptive advice, a smear test, or sexual health advice, we will offer you the best and most comprehensive service we can.
We offer advice on ALL contraceptive services and devices:
Combined oral contraceptive pills, patches, nuva-ring
Progestogen only pills
Depo-provera injections
Emergency contraceptives: Levonelle one step; Ellaone
Pre-pregnancy advice and screening.
Diaphragm sizing and fitting
Long acting reversible contraception:
Implant (Nexplanon) advice, fitting and removal
Coil insertion: Copper coils, Mirena & Jaydess (IUS hormone) coils
We perform advice, fitting, and removals of long acting reversible contraceptives. You will require a consultation to discuss the appropriateness of the contraceptive of your choice. Additional procedures and appointments may be required based on the ideal time to fit or remove a device, including the possibility of needing:
- Sexual health & bacterial swabs
- Pregnancy testing
- A further follow up appointment at 4 weeks post coil insertion